Tuesday, March 17, 2020

5 Things I Am Working on at the Moment to be More Sustainable

    As I have already said multiple times before, this is a journey. I have known about the zero waste movement and tried to better myself for about 2 years. I am still nowhere near how I want to be living eventually, but I keep trying to be better. I think that is the best thing anyone can do. So I decided to write about what I am working on at the moment. That way, everyone can see where in the journey I'm currently at.

1. Figuring Out the Waste Management in My Childhood Home

    I haven't lived at home (except for summers) since the 9th grade. Usually, I get back home mid-May and stay until the beginning of August. Well, this year, because of the pandemic, things are a bit different, and I am back home in mid-March. That means I am going to be here for a long time this year. I will take this time to try and establish a waste management system within the house that everyone can follow even if I'm not here.
    At the moment, I am trying to figure out how recycling, composting, etc. even works in Tallinn, Estonia. I have lived away from the country for about 5 years, which means I have a good understanding of how the waste management system works in Pennsylvania but have no clue how it works in the city I consider my home.
    So the first thing I am working on is trying to reduce the waste in the house and the waste that goes to the trash needs to be sorted better.

2. Less (Plastic) Packaged Food

    This second point kind of goes with the first one. There is no waste to manage if nothing is generated. I am not there yet, where I could fill only a mason jar with my trash in one year, not even close. But I have noticed that I haven't been paying much attention to the packaging in Tallinn so far. When I lived alone in the USA or Poland, it was different. I would only cook for myself, and it didn't matter what I bought. So often, I picked things in cardboard over plastic, no package at all over packaged goods, etc. 
    At home, it is harder, because I have established favorites over the years, and if I only come home for a little bit, I want to eat all my favorite stuff. Well, now that I am here for a more extended period, it is the perfect time to find new favorites with less packaging, or at least less plastic packaging.

3. Eat Less Meat

    I have always had a weird relationship with meat. Lately, I have been defining it as: "I only like bad meat, like burgers, bacon, hotdogs, etc., so why should I eat meat at all if I'm trying to be healthier." That is why I have been trying to cut down on meat. I don't like touching raw meat, so why should I put it in my mouth. It doesn't make sense!
    So about a year and a half ago, I lost like 4% bodyfat, by eating less meat and being more aware of the nutrients I was putting in my body. What makes it difficult for me to completely stop, is that I play professional basketball, which means my body and its performance is what I get paid for. That is why it is difficult to radically change how I fuel my body, but I am trying to anyways.
    This spring/summer, I will try to do that, since I have some time off of basketball. That makes now the perfect time to try and change my habits.

4. Take Shorter Showers

    Now this will be a challenge. I love a good, long, hot shower, where I perform a couple of songs to my imaginary fans. Honestly, who doesn't? But it is so wasteful. There have been times I've done so good with this, but then I have a moment of weakness where I am dead tired and just stand in the shower for like 20-30 minutes. 
    So this will be the fourth thing I am working on right now, trying to take shorter showers. And again I think right now is a great time to get this habit in my system.

5. Be More Consistent

    With trying to change any habits you have, consistency is critical. I have good days and bad days with my habits, but this will not get me to be the person I want to be, because I am not consistent. For a habit to stick, you have to do it regularly. For example, have you ever tried to change your diet? The first two weeks are pretty much the hardest part. Most people don't get past the first weeks without breaking the "rules" at least once. Well, if you do get past those weeks, its honestly not that hard anymore and it's becoming a habit.
    The same goes for any other habit. And that is why my fifth thing I am working on at the moment is being more consistent. Hopefully, making some of these habits permanent.

These are the 5 things I am working on right now. I hope you got some motivation or ideas for your own journeys.

Have an awesome day, and stay safe!


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