Tuesday, March 31, 2020

5 Must Watch Sustainability Movies

    Since we are going through a time where we are pretty much stuck at home, I thought I'd share some movies that motivated me to start my low-impact journey. Some of these also helped me find my way back to sustainability when I had lost my way a little bit.
    All of these movies are super educational, and there is a lot in them that I didn't know before watching these.
    Let's get into it!

1. Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret

    This movie came out in 2014 and instantly gained fans as well as many haters.
    Mainly the movie is about the impact of animal agriculture on the environment.
    There were some very controversial facts and stats presented that made some people call this movie "vegan propaganda."
    However, now it is pretty much proven to be true. In a 2019 Forbes interview Steven Chu (an American physicist) said, "Let me say it again: agriculture and land-use generates more greenhouse gas emissions than power generation."
    This movie is available on Netflix. Check out the trailer!

2. The True Cost

    This is a 2015 documentary on fast fashion and the impacts of it on the environment, but mainly on the workers in developing countries. They are paid an extremely low wage and work in inhumane environments.
    The movie also explores the after-effects such as river and soil pollution, pesticide contamination, disease, and death.
    This movie made me genuinely hate fast fashion! While I still own stuff from companies that are not sustainable, I try not to buy any more of their stuff, unless it's second hand.
    This movie used to be on Netflix, but if it happens to not be there anymore, you can find it on their website. Check out the trailer!

3. The Story of Stuff

    This short animated documentary came out in 2007.
    This is how I found out about consumerism when I was in middle school. The movie explains the supply chain very well, and I mean, I was in middle school, watching it in a foreign language, and understood almost everything.
    The Story of Stuff Project has a couple of more videos on Youtube about different sustainability topics, and they are all worth your time!
    The full 20-minute movie is available on YouTube, with all the other videos accompanying it. Check out the full movie!

4. Erin Brockovich

    This is the oldest movie on my list. It came out in 2000 and is actually a Hollywood film based on the life of environmentalist Erin Brockovich.
    Julia Roberts is in it! And she won the best actress Oscar for it. That's all the convincing I should do for you to want to watch it.
    This was considered such an essential movie that in two of my classes at my university, the professors made us watch it (which means I did it twice!).
     Erin Brockovich has also said that the movie is about 98% accurate, which is insane to think about when you've seen the movie. You wouldn't believe half of these things could even be possible.
    This is a harder movie to find online. I don't think it is on Netflix. But it should be on DIRECTV and the Starz extension on Hulu. Check out the trailer!

5. An Inconvenient Truth

    This is a 2006 documentary.
    The movie is about Al Gore's campaign to educate people about global warming. If you don't know, Al Gore is a former Vice President of the United States. So he is using his platform to speak out.
    This movie got its long-awaited sequel in 2017 called An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power. I haven't seen this one yet, but it's on the top of my list.
    This movie should be available on Amazon Prime Video, and possibly American Netflix (?). Check out both of the trailers here!

    This is it from me for now!
    I know there are many many more of these types of awesome educational movies. If you guys show interest, I will do a part 2 to this post, because I left some good ones out for now.
    Something interesting to notice - 3 out of these 5 movies came out before 2008, which means we have been warned for a long time about this worsening situation. It is still not too late to do your part and take action though!

Stay safe everyone, and have an awesome day!


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